Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dennis' mighty flying space station machine

Space time: 8:04 p.m. PST
Event: Space station

It was a motley crew. Space Club attendance was at near-record levels. Nine viewers, one newbie (chris walker). Walker is the first to spot something ... a possible racoon flying from a bush and into a bush near the basketball hoop. he says not to mess with racoons at night. attendees were left to wonder if he messes with racoons in the daylight hours.

Space club drama: New guy had the gall to show his face at space club after dissing Gotsill and Ellis at dinner.

There were many Uranus jokes.

The sky was crisp and clear, perfect for viewing. As we all looked to the sky, 90 degrees off base, Mike (hubble) Gale spotted the celestial event. Might have been the best viewing of the space station to date. Bright, long-lasting.

We were gooed, but Walker's uber-user status got us in the building.


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